50% of football players are ruined within 5 years after retirement

“Take an interest in everything that has to do with you. It can be your finances […] your taxes. Whatever it is, don’t let other people make those decisions for you. At the end of the day, if there’s a problem, it’s your fault. That’s the best advice I can give.”

Roger Federer


Giving you the keys of financial management

As top-level athletes, you’re likely to have an intense career, but one that’s shorter than traditional careers.

We’re here to ensure that your habit of demanding performance follows you throughout your career, and particularly in your financial management.

Give you an informed opinion on opportunities submitted by a third party

As a public figure with a certain fame, you receive numerous investment opportunities from relatives or simply professional acquaintances, and you don’t know what to think of them.

We’re here to analyse them in detail and help you make an informed choice, with our interests aligned with yours.


For young sports professionals who want to learn the right habits.

For sportsmen and women who want to free themselves from wealth management advisors.

For athletes who have been victims of financial scams.

For experienced athletes who want to ensure the continuity of their careers.